> Postfix supports what you've described. You must have made some
> other mistake.

believe me that's what I thought first :-) But the only reason this
would not fire is that a prior restriction already OK the mail. To test
I commented all client restrictions and placed my check_sender access on
(almost) top of sender_restrictions

smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unknown_sender_domain,
                     check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/do_callahead,

so the restriction is well before any restriction that could ACCEPT the

postmap tells me that it gets the correct value from the map

$ postmap -q 'example.com' /etc/postfix/do_callahead

Am 13.11.18 um 17:18 schrieb Noel Jones:
> On 11/13/2018 9:43 AM, Tobi wrote:
>> Hello list
>> I'm trying to achieve that a certain sender (or sender domain) must have
>> the recipients verified. Thought that it could be done with a
>> restriction class:
>> #main.cf
>> smtpd_restriction_classes = DO_CALLAHEAD
>> DO_CALLAHEAD = reject_unverified_recipient
>> smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/my.map
>> #my.map
>> example.com  DO_CALLAHEAD
>> But if I test with example.com sender on a remote rcpt that is rejected,
>> the msg is always accepted and a bounce has to be sent back to sender.
>> Which is what I'm trying to avoid for this particular sender with rcpt
>> verification.
>> Is there a way to achieve that with postfix?
>> Thanks for any idea
>> tobi
> Postfix supports what you've described. You must have made some
> other mistake.
> You can simplify your config by not using a restriction class, which
> isn't required for this particular function.
> # my.map
> example.com  reject_unverified_recipient
>   -- Noel Jones

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