Trying to configure clamav-milter with postfix-current-3.4.20181105,5 under 
FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE, but I’ve missed something since no mail is actually 
getting processed by ClamAV-milter, including the EICAR test mails which sail 
through without triggering anything.

I’ve tried to provide everything that could be relevant (mostly in an effort to 
re-examine everything) but at this point I’m stumped.

smtpd_milters =

 # sockstat | grep milter
root     spamass-mi 24145 4  stream /var/run/spamass-milter.sock
clamav   clamav-mil 59293 3  stream /var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock

 # gnc /usr/local/etc/clamav-milter.conf
MilterSocket /var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock
FixStaleSocket yes
User clamav
PidFile /var/run/clamav/
ClamdSocket unix:/var/run/clamav/clamd.sock
OnInfected Quarantine
LogFile /tmp/clamav-milter.log
LogFileUnlock yes
LogFileMaxSize 20M
LogTime yes
LogSyslog yes
LogFacility LOG_MAIL
LogVerbose yes

 # clamscan -I eicar.txt 
eicar.txt: Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND

 # psa clamav
clamav   56889   0.0 14.3 553736 505868  -  Is   Sun17       4:03.54 
clamav   57990   0.0  0.1  12268   5280  -  Is   Sun17       0:28.11 
/usr/local/bin/freshclam --daemon -p /var/run/clamav/
clamav   59293   0.0  0.1  24444   4540  -  Ss   Sun17       0:02.39 
/usr/local/sbin/clamav-milter -c /usr/local/etc/clamav-milter.conf

# ls -lsR /var/run/clamav/
total 48
8 drwxr-x---   3 clamav  postfix   512 Nov 28 08:57 .
8 drwxr-xr-x  15 root    wheel    1024 Nov 28 09:11 ..
8 -rw-rw-r--  1 clamav  clamav    6 Nov 25 17:44
8 -rw-rw-r--  1 clamav  clamav    6 Nov 25 17:44
0 srw-rw-rw-  1 clamav  clamav    0 Nov 25 17:44 clamd.sock
0 srwxrwxrwx  1 clamav  clamav    0 Nov 25 17:44 clmilter.sock
8 -rw-rw----  1 clamav  clamav    6 Nov 25 17:44
8 drwx------  2 clamav  clamav  512 Nov 24 11:57 quarantine

total 0

 # tail clamav/clamd.log clamav/freshclam.log 
==> clamav/clamd.log <==
Wed Nov 28 07:47:29 2018 -> Database correctly reloaded (6722408 signatures)
Wed Nov 28 07:57:53 2018 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Wed Nov 28 08:08:30 2018 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Wed Nov 28 08:21:53 2018 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Wed Nov 28 08:33:50 2018 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Wed Nov 28 08:44:55 2018 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Wed Nov 28 08:55:38 2018 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Wed Nov 28 09:06:16 2018 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Wed Nov 28 09:16:44 2018 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Wed Nov 28 09:28:14 2018 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.

==> clamav/freshclam.log <==
Received signal: wake up
ClamAV update process started at Wed Nov 28 07:47:03 2018
main.cvd is up to date (version: 58, sigs: 4566249, f-level: 60, builder: 
Downloading daily-25161.cdiff [100%]
daily.cld updated (version: 25161, sigs: 2163162, f-level: 63, builder: neo)
bytecode.cld is up to date (version: 327, sigs: 91, f-level: 63, builder: neo)
Database updated (6729502 signatures) from (IP:
Clamd successfully notified about the update.

There is nothing in any other logs about clamav.

So it seems like it is installed and running. Freshclam has updated 

"How good bad music and bad reasons sound when we march against an
enemy." -  Friedrich Nietzsche

function psa () {
  ps auxww | grep -i $* | grep -v grep
alias gnc='grep -v "^\($\|#\|\/\)" '

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