Another attempt:

Jan  4 16:39:21 lab postfix/pipe[2026654]: 82B8813DF90D:
to=<>, relay=post_queue_content_filter, delay=0.07,
delays=0.04/0/0/0.03, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via
post_queue_content_filter service (action=FILTER localhost:10026))

action=FILTER localhost:10026

The content_filter setting has lower precedence than a FILTER
action that is specified in an access(5), header_checks(5) or
body_checks(5) table.

As described in ACCESS (5):

FILTER transport:destination
              After the message is queued, send the entire message through the
              specified external content filter. The transport name  specifies
              the  first  field  of  a  mail delivery agent definition in mas-
    ; the syntax of the next-hop destination is  described  in
              the  manual  page  of  the  corresponding  delivery agent.  More
              information about external content filters  is  in  the  Postfix
              FILTER_README file.

              Note  1: do not use $number regular expression substitutions for
              transport or destination unless you know  that  the  information
              has a trusted origin.

              Note  2:  this  action overrides the content_filter set-
              ting, and affects all recipients of the  message.  In  the  case
              that  multiple  FILTER  actions  fire, only the last one is exe-

              Note 3: the purpose of the FILTER command is to override message
              routing.   To  override  the  recipient's  transport but not the
              next-hop destination, specify an empty filter destination (Post-
              fix  2.7  and  later),  or  specify a transport:destination that
              delivers through a different Postfix instance (Postfix  2.6  and
              earlier). Other options are using the recipient-dependent trans-
              port_maps  or  the  sender-dependent   sender_dependent_default-
              _transport_maps features.

              This feature is available in Postfix 2.0 and later.

What am I missing here?




Em sex, 4 de jan de 2019 às 16:57, Rafael Azevedo <> escreveu:
> Digging on FILTER_README, I've noticed that:
> &gt; The content_filter setting has lower precedence than a FILTER
> action that is specified in an access(5), header_checks(5) or
> body_checks(5) table.
> Even using OK, PREPEND, the message could not go back into queue.
> JIT:
>        OK     Accept the address etc. that matches the pattern.
>        all-numerical
>               An  all-numerical result is treated as OK. This format is gener-
>               ated  by  address-based  relay  authorization  schemes  such  as
>               pop-before-smtp.
>        For other accept actions, see "OTHER ACTIONS" below.
>        Postfix  version 2.3 and later support enhanced status codes as defined
>        in RFC 3463.  When no code is specified at the beginning  of  the  text
>        below, Postfix inserts a default enhanced status code of "5.7.1" in the
>        case of reject actions, and "4.7.1" in the case of defer  actions.  See
>        "ENHANCED STATUS CODES" below.
>        4NN text
>        5NN text
>               Reject  the  address  etc. that matches the pattern, and respond
>               with the numerical three-digit code and  text.  4NN  means  "try
>               again later", while 5NN means "do not try again".
>               The  following  responses  have  special meaning for the Postfix
>               SMTP server:
>               421 text (Postfix 2.3 and later)
>               521 text (Postfix 2.6 and later)
>                      After responding with the numerical three-digit code  and
>                      text,  disconnect immediately from the SMTP client.  This
>                      frees up SMTP server resources so that they can  be  made
>                      available to another SMTP client.
>                      Note: The "521" response should be used only with botnets
>                      and other malware where interoperability is  of  no  con-
>                      cern.   The  "send  521  and  disconnect" behavior is NOT
>                      defined in the SMTP standard.
>        REJECT optional text...
>               Reject the address etc. that matches  the  pattern.  Reply  with
>               "$access_map_reject_code  optional  text..."  when  the optional
>               text is specified, otherwise reply with a generic error response
>               message.
>        DEFER optional text...
>               Reject  the  address  etc.  that matches the pattern. Reply with
>               "$access_map_defer_code optional text..." when the optional text
>               is specified, otherwise reply with a generic error response mes-
>               sage.
>               This feature is available in Postfix 2.6 and later.
>        DEFER_IF_REJECT optional text...
>               Defer the request if some later restriction would  result  in  a
>               REJECT action. Reply with "$access_map_defer_code 4.7.1 optional
>               text..." when the optional text is  specified,  otherwise  reply
>               with a generic error response message.
>               Prior to Postfix 2.6, the SMTP reply code is 450.
>               This feature is available in Postfix 2.1 and later.
>        DEFER_IF_PERMIT optional text...
>               Defer the request if some later restriction would result in a an
>               explicit   or    implicit    PERMIT    action.     Reply    with
>               "$access_map_defer_code   4.7.1    optional  text..."  when  the
>               optional text is specified, otherwise reply with a generic error
>               response message.
>               Prior to Postfix 2.6, the SMTP reply code is 450.
>               This feature is available in Postfix 2.1 and later.
>        For other reject actions, see "OTHER ACTIONS" below.
>        restriction...
>               Apply    the   named   UCE   restriction(s)   (permit,   reject,
>               reject_unauth_destination, and so on).
>        BCC user@domain
>               Send one copy of the message to the specified recipient.
>               If multiple BCC actions are specified within the same SMTP  MAIL
>               transaction, with Postfix 3.0 only the last action will be used.
>               This feature is available in Postfix 3.0 and later.
>        DISCARD optional text...
>               Claim successful delivery and silently discard the message.  Log
>               the optional text if specified, otherwise log a generic message.
>               Note: this action currently affects all recipients of  the  mes-
>               sage.   To  discard  only  one  recipient without discarding the
>               entire message, use the transport(5) table to direct mail to the
>               discard(8) service.
>               This feature is available in Postfix 2.0 and later.
>        DUNNO  Pretend that the lookup key was not found. This prevents Postfix
>               from trying substrings of the lookup key (such  as  a  subdomain
>               name, or a network address subnetwork).
>               This feature is available in Postfix 2.0 and later.
>        FILTER transport:destination
>               After the message is queued, send the entire message through the
>               specified external content filter. The transport name  specifies
>               the  first  field  of  a  mail delivery agent definition in mas-
>     ; the syntax of the next-hop destination is  described  in
>               the  manual  page  of  the  corresponding  delivery agent.  More
>               information about external content filters  is  in  the  Postfix
>               FILTER_README file.
>               Note  1: do not use $number regular expression substitutions for
>               transport or destination unless you know  that  the  information
>               has a trusted origin.
>               Note  2:  this  action overrides the content_filter set-
>               ting, and affects all recipients of the  message.  In  the  case
>               that  multiple  FILTER  actions  fire, only the last one is exe-
>               cuted.
>               Note 3: the purpose of the FILTER command is to override message
>               routing.   To  override  the  recipient's  transport but not the
>               next-hop destination, specify an empty filter destination (Post-
>               fix  2.7  and  later),  or  specify a transport:destination that
>               delivers through a different Postfix instance (Postfix  2.6  and
>               earlier). Other options are using the recipient-dependent trans-
>               port_maps  or  the  sender-dependent   sender_dependent_default-
>               _transport_maps features.
>               This feature is available in Postfix 2.0 and later.
>        HOLD optional text...
>               Place  the  message  on  the hold queue, where it will sit until
>               someone either deletes it or releases it for delivery.  Log  the
>               optional text if specified, otherwise log a generic message.
>               Mail  that is placed on hold can be examined with the postcat(1)
>               command, and can be destroyed or released with the  postsuper(1)
>               command.
>               Note:  use  "postsuper -r" to release mail that was kept on hold
>               for  a  significant  fraction  of   $maximal_queue_lifetime   or
>               $bounce_queue_lifetime,  or  longer. Use "postsuper -H" only for
>               mail that will not expire within a few delivery attempts.
>               Note: this action currently affects all recipients of  the  mes-
>               sage.
>               This feature is available in Postfix 2.0 and later.
>        PREPEND headername: headervalue
>               Prepend  the specified message header to the message.  When more
>               than one PREPEND action executes,  the  first  prepended  header
>               appears before the second etc. prepended header.
>               Note:  this  action  must  execute before the message content is
>               received;   it   cannot    execute    in    the    context    of
>               smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions.
>               This feature is available in Postfix 2.1 and later.
>        REDIRECT user@domain
>               After  the  message is queued, send the message to the specified
>               address instead of the intended recipient(s).  When multiple RE-
>               DIRECT actions fire, only the last one takes effect.
>               Note:  this  action  overrides  the FILTER action, and currently
>               overrides all recipients of the message.
>               This feature is available in Postfix 2.1 and later.
>        INFO optional text...
>               Log an informational record with  the  optional  text,  together
>               with  client  information  and  if available, with helo, sender,
>               recipient and protocol information.
>               This feature is available in Postfix 3.0 and later.
>        WARN optional text...
>               Log a warning with  the  optional  text,  together  with  client
>               information  and  if available, with helo, sender, recipient and
>               protocol information.
>               This feature is available in Postfix 2.1 and later.
> BR
> Rafael

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