Hi Christopher, 
I'm on the opendkim list also and it does get little attention.

Is the "delay" recorded in a typical Postfix log entry ?
Stolen from Postfix 2.3.19:
Postfix logs additional delay information as "delays=a/b/c/d"
  where a=time before queue manager, including message transmission;
  b=time in queue manager; c=connection setup time including DNS,
  HELO and TLS; d=message transmission time.

These seem to be the only settings to bump up logging with opendkim:

##  Log activity to the system log.
Syslog  yes

##  Log additional entries indicating successful signing or verification of
SyslogSuccess   yes

##  If logging is enabled, include detailed logging about why or why not a
message was
##  signed or verified. This causes an increase in the amount of log data
##  for each message, so set this to No (or comment it out) if it gets too
LogWhy  yes

If your version supports it you may want to add this to your opendkim config
file ?
Or check "man opendkim.conf" for more options ?

 KeepTemporaryFiles (boolean)
              Instructs the filter to create temporary files containing the
header and body canonicalizations of messages that are signed  or  verified.  
The  location of these files can be set using the TemporaryDirectory
parameter.  Intended only for debugging verification problems.

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