
Or instead of downloading and installing download a qemu image of ArchLinux:


It' s an up-to-date qemu image prepared for my students.

Best regards,

On 3/8/19 1:32 PM, Marek Kozlowski wrote:

It's a rolling release one. Install any version then run `pacman -Suy' for upgrade to the most recent packages in repos. Quick and simple (but it is a systemd Linux :-( )

Best regards,

On 3/8/19 1:26 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
Which distro ships with Linux 5.x kernels? I want to install that
distribution in a VM for tests. I am not interested in a FrankenLinux
where I have to assemble different parts from different providers.
Last time I asked I did not get a good answer.


Dr Eng. Marek Kozłowski
Senior Lecturer
Unix and Network Administrator
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences
ul. Koszykowa 75,
00-662 Warszawa
tel.: +48 601 827 225

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