I have an active email address that only receives spam (it is an address that wasn't used for years but I've recently reactive to see just how much spam an unprotected decades old account that hasn't accepted mail since 2006 would get).
Anyway, what I would like to do is somehow blacklist any IP that sends mail to that address for some period of time, configurable by me but not necessarily dynamic. (That is, if I could specify 1 day or 3 hours for any match, that is fine). I suspect that postfix might be able to do this through some sort of helo_access check? I mean, I know managing the timeout would be outside of postfix, but I can figure that part out easily enough. Or should I look at expanding the log matching in fail2ban instead? Or something obvious and clearly better? -- 'Never build a dungeon you wouldn't be happy to spend the night in yourself,' said the Patrician (...). 'The world would be a happier place if more people remembered that.' --Guards! Guards!