In message <>, wrote:

>You can of course do this, and it will work.
>The only reason to run a separate Postfix would be in case your home
>server becomes unavailable, then the cloud VM will spool (hang onto)
>your message(s) until your home server becomes available again, and as
>soon as it's back it will deliver the messages it held.
>On 10/06/2019 00:21, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>> If so, then there simply will be *no* separate instance of Postfix running
>> "on the cloud side", either independently configurable or otherwise.  (So
>> your comment above makes no obvious sense.)

Ok, so just to be sure I am clear about all of this...

If I try to do this trivally simple transport maps solution (I mean instead
of having a whole separate TCP proxy) then in that case the Postfix instance
that will be running up on my cloud VM -will- spool incoming mail, and will
just hold on to it, as necessary, until whatever should be responding to
smtp:my-dynamic-fqdn starts answering its SMTP port again, yes?


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