I want to use my single VPS for three distinct domains. Simple for webservers. I would also want to be able to send and receive email on the three domains using Postfix. I understand there is postfix-multi. Everything I have read so far uses separate IP addresses for this scenario. Most VPS providers are loath to assign more than one or at most two IPV4 address to a VPS, due to the global shortage. I have been unable to get three at Linode.

Not just subdomains, but quite distinct ones. For example (just abstract names)




The obvious solution is to run three VPS's. But this adds expense and triples the admin overhead. is there any way to configure Postfix to act for three separate domains without the necessity of separate IP's?

Pardon me if this is a stupid newbie question, but it seems to me that Postfix is enormously powerful and can do pretty much anthing if you know how.


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