On 16 Sep 2019, at 7:44, Helmut Schneider wrote:

I already created an entry in the hosts file without success.

This (name resolution) is the ideal place to address your problem. If your OS name resolver is not using an entry in your hosts file, it may be because the entry isn't correct OR because your nsswitch.conf file directs the resolver to ask DNS first. If you're running a system that does not use nsswitch.conf and can't be made to check local files first, you may benefit from running a recursing/caching resolver daemon like Unbound which supports its own local data.

Note that hosts file entries are ONLY for A and AAAA resolution, NOT MX resolution, so if you are routing m ail in Postfix via a mechanism that does MX resolution and you have a cached MX record from the last time that the VPN was up, it is possible that you are chasing a name that is different from what you expect.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)

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