In Postfix 3.4

On 01.10.19 06:13, linkcheck wrote:
Thanks, but I'm on 3.1.1 due to Ubuntu/Mint version.

then, you need separate key and cert file.

smtpd_tls* is for receiving connections.
smtp_tls* is for outgoing connections.
You're specifying the same certificate thus makings it redundant.
You may shorten it to just two lines in your

Thanks. Is that just for the smtp section? I understood from past reading on
the internet that I had to specify the cert data for smtp and submission as
well as in, hence my current

Not needed, unless you want to override globals.

Also, smtp_tls* is unneeded in smtpd config, since it's related to smtp
client. And, you probably don't authenticate to others using your
certificate, so it's apparently useless too.

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