
I install via yum pypolicyd-spf in Centos 7.

Paquetes instalados
Nombre        : pypolicyd-spf
Arquitectura        : noarch
Versión     : 1.3.2
Lanzamiento     : 5.el7
Tamaño        : 105 k
Repositorio        : installed
Desde el repositorio   : epel
Resumen     : SPF Policy Server for Postfix (Python implementation)
URL         : https://launchpad.net/pypolicyd-spf
Licencia     : ASL 2.0
Descripción :pypolicyd-spf is a Postfix policy engine for Sender Policy Framework (SPF)            : checking. It is implemented in pure Python and uses the python-spf (pyspf)
           : module.
           : This SPF policy server implementation provides flexible options for different            : receiver policies and sender whitelisting to enable it to support a very wide
           : range of requirements.

in master.cf add

policy unix - n n - 0 spawn

    user=nobody argv=/bin/python /usr/libexec/postfix/policyd-spf


check_policy_service unix:private/policy
... other restrictions as necessary

but i see this error

Oct 14 12:21:20 antartida postfix/smtpd[11266]: warning: connect to private/policy-spf: Connection refused Oct 14 12:21:20 antartida postfix/smtpd[11266]: warning: problem talking to server private/policy-spf: Connection refused Oct 14 12:21:21 antartida postfix/smtpd[11262]: warning: connect to private/policy-spf: Connection refused Oct 14 12:21:21 antartida postfix/smtpd[11262]: warning: problem talking to server private/policy-spf: Connection refused

Any ideas?


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