Lars Liedtke:
I am having trouble using reject_unknown_sender_domain. I boiled the
whole restrictions down to

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = warn_if_reject reject_unknown_sender_domain

and still a mail do an invalid domain is not rejected or I am not warned
about rejection:

Am 24.10.19 um 20:20 schrieb Wietse Venema:
reject_unknown_sender_domain will consider the domain as "existing"
- if a DNS query of type MX, A, or AAAA (if compiled with IPv6
  support) produces a resource record,
- or the above query produces a response and you have configured
  an smtpd_dns_reply_filter that removed those resource records.

On 25.10.19 10:00, Lars Liedtke wrote:
Unfortunately both cases turn out negative:

- $ drill domain.invalid any
  ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, rcode: SERVFAIL, id: 49179

this is your problem, the rcode should be NXDOMAIN.

SERVFAIL means that the dns server failed to find out whether the domain

it's a DNS problem.
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