On October 25, 2019 6:52:52 PM GMT+02:00, Jason Hirsh <kasd...@mac.com> wrote:
>I have gone over my configuration with a fine tooth comb, but
>considering I put them together it is not surprising I can’t spot
>O have been trying to locate opendkim action in my log file.  It
>appears that that the  mail is being reviewed but now header added

You should revert to non debug logging for postfix as it makes it extremely 
hard to discover the relevant log messages. 

I have the same opendkim config with regard to the Syslog, SyslogSuccess, 
Logwhy  options

My opendkim logs show up in mail.log and syslog as that's how rsyslog in Debian 
is configured. Opendkim logs with the mail.* facility to syslog so whatever 
syslog daemon you use it's configuration should tell you where the logging can 
be found. 

>The thing that concerns me is the appearance of “dummy”
>Any thoughts any one/?
>> On Oct 24, 2019, at 11:29 AM, Jason Hirsh <kasd...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Thank you  for the quick response
>> I am 99% certain they are…I had the OpenDkim running for about a week
>and did not change those (I think0
>> Trusted Hosts
>> localhost
>> example.com <http://example.com/>
>> example1.com <http://example1.com/>
>> KeyTable
>> default._domainkey.example.com
>> default._domainkey.example1.com
>> SigningTable
>> *@example.com default._domainkey.example.com
>> *@example1.com default._domainkey.example1.com
>> In my maillog.  I did find something a little strange response to an
>outgoing message
>> Oct 23 18:26:14 triggerfish opendkim[5845]: E0C34CB4A69: key
>retrieval failed (s=zendesk1, d=lightandmotion.com
><http://lightandmotion.com/>): 'zendesk1._domainkey.lightandmotion.com
><http://domainkey.lightandmotion.com/>' record not found
>> Oct 24 10:23:10 triggerfish opendkim[5845]: 9B3A8CB4A69:
>s=verifier201208 d=port25.com <http://port25.com/> SSL 
>> Oct 24 11:02:02 triggerfish opendkim[5845]: 93C75CB4A9A:
>s=verifier201208 d=port25.com <http://port25.com/> SSL 
>> Oct 24 11:18:43 triggerfish opendkim[5845]: 4AADACB4A99: key
>retrieval failed (s=zendesk1, d=lightandmotion.com
><http://lightandmotion.com/>): 'zendesk1._domainkey.lightandmotion.com
><http://domainkey.lightandmotion.com/>' record not found
>> Light and Motion was who the message was going to and has no presence
>in my mail system
>> Is this log entry a clue??
>>> On Oct 24, 2019, at 10:50 AM, Dominic Raferd
><domi...@timedicer.co.uk <mailto:domi...@timedicer.co.uk>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 24 Oct 2019 at 15:28, Jason Hirsh <kasd...@mac.com
><mailto:kasd...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>>> I am trying to revive my OpenDKIM installation. I had it working
>but managed to break it when I updated my ports.  It is running but not
>signing outgoing messages
>>>> My main.cf configuration relative to OpenDkim is
>>>> smtpd_milters =  inet:localhost:8891
>>>> non_smtpd_milters =  $smtpd_milters
>>>> milter_default_action = accept
>>>> My OpenDkim.conf is
>>>> AutoRestart             Yes
>>>> AutoRestartRate         10/1h
>>>> LogWhy                  Yes
>>>> Syslog                  Yes
>>>> SyslogSuccess           Yes
>>>> Mode                    sv
>>>> Canonicalization        relaxed/simple
>>>> ExternalIgnoreList      refile:/usr/local/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts
>>>> InternalHosts           refile:/usr/local/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts
>>>> KeyTable                /usr/local/etc/opendkim/KeyTable
>>>> SigningTable            refile:/usr/local/etc/opendkim/SigningTable
>>>> SignatureAlgorithm      rsa-sha256
>>>> Socket                  inet:8891@ <mailto:8891@>
>>>> UMask                   022
>>>> UserID                  opendkim:opendkim
>>>> TemporaryDirectory      /var/tmp
>>>> As I stated it is running... But not signing from a test site...
>>>> Any thoughts would be appreciated
>>> Are files /usr/local/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts, KeyTable and
>>> SigningTable set up correctly? Do you need to use KeyTable and
>>> SigningTable - this is a more complex setup; standard setup uses
>>> parameters Domain, Selector and KeyFile - see
>>> http://www.opendkim.org/opendkim-README

Christian Kivalo

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