
I’m using Debian 10 with postfix 3.4.5.

Trying to solve the problem with non-Re subjects I have found a regex for header checks.

So I have a „/etc/postfix/header_check.pcre” with:
/eSubject:\s*((RE|AW|Aw|Antw|Antwort|RES|SV):\s*)+(.*)$/ REPLACE Subject: Re: $3

In main.cf:
header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_check.pcre

Now I have noticed that this isn’t always working. Postfix logs if the rule is getting used. I have a friend who is using the GMX webinterface which is using AW: instead of Re:. I can see in the mail logs that sometimes the AW gets replaced with Re and sometimes it stays. The mail logs are in both cases the same (client=mout.gmx.net[]), besides the fact that if it works I have an additional log line (replace: header Subject:…).

Has anyone an idea how I can debug this further? Or why it is only sometimes working?

Shade and sweet water!


|    If your life was a horse, you'd have to shoot it.    |

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