On 31.03.20 16:59, Linda Pagillo wrote:
Guys, I have another question. This is in reference to the response that
Bob Proulx gave me. He said that, " One critical item is that the
relay_recipient_maps must be kept in sync across all of the systems". Why
is this critical?

It's partly described at

many spammers try to use backup MX servers to deliver spam.

If your backup MX accepts spam that your primary MX would rejects because of
non-existent user, your backup MX would need to send back bounce, which
whould make it spam source, and it could appear on blacklists.

Dropping such mail is not a good thing, since that mail could get "lost"
where sender believe mail was accepted (by backup MX), while recipient would
not see it (because it was refused by primary MX).

Thus, knowing users is crucial to have.

I persinally believe that if you really need backup MX, you should do at
least some kind of recipient verification.

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