On 14/04/2020 18:42, Rick King wrote:
We have a customer that occasionally receives messages like this...

Return-Path: <to...@external-domain.tld>
From: "Free iPad <jsm...@mydomain.tld>" <to...@external-domain.tld>
To: <us...@mydomain.tld>
Subject:Free iPad


Any suggestions welcome! Thank you!

On 15.04.20 11:09, Allen Coates wrote:
I am no expert on pattern matching, but could you pick up on the
"mydomain.tld, close-chevron, close-quotes, space, open-chevron" sequence?

Is there any occasion where that would be legitimate?

this is may be common e.g. with mailing lists that try to work around DMARC
limitation, where they must not forward mail with original From:

This was discussed in spamassassin mailing list recently.
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