On 6/10/20 2:05 PM, Bill Cole wrote:
> It uses the installed SpamAssasssin Perl modules directly, just as spamd does.

fact noted.  details admittedly i'll have to poke around in.

> The socket permissions issues are probably solvable, but if running on the 
> loopback interface works,
> there's not a lot of reasons to prefer the socket.

just prefer the organization, limited clutter on loopback, and perms of 
sockets.  and, that's what i generally do 'everywhere else'.  mostly, anyway.

> I'm not a big fan of spampd because it uses the proxy model instead of milter,

yep; not a fan of swiss-army-knives either.

i'm now "all milters, all the time".  simpler config, and easier debug.

>  but at least it isn't abandonware.

spamass-milter has "signs of life" as recently as Jan '20 @


not terrible for an assumed stable, though 'old', package

> My favorite SA integration tool is MIMEDefang, but it is far from lightweight.

there's a number of fatter options that work well for others.

i'm _trying_ to stay as 'simple' as possible, and fat/arcane config files make 
my old, tired eyes ache.

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