On Thu, 18 Jun 2020 at 08:13, David Hobley <david.hob...@sharpblue.com.au>

> Sorry, that got sent prior to my completing the email. I'll try again.
> /etc/postfix/main.cf
> alias_maps =
> append_dot_mydomain = no
> compatibility_level = 2
> ...
> myorigin = /etc/mailname

> virtual_alias_domains =
> virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
> virtual_mailbox_domains = domain1.com, domain2.com, domain3.com
> virtual_mailbox_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-users.cf
> virtual_transport = lmtp:unix:/kopano/dagent.sock
> The virtual aliases look like:
> user1firstname.lastn...@domain3.com user1firstname.lastname
> user2firstn...@domain2.com user2firstname.lastname
> user2firstn...@domain1.com user2firstname.lastname
> user2firstname.lastn...@domain2.com user2firstname.lastname
> @domain3.com user2firstname.lastname
> @domain2.com user1firstname.lastname
> @domain1.com          user1firstname.lastname
> In effect, I have 3 users created for domain1.com. A catchall for domain1
> and domain2 to direct to user 1. Ignore domain3 for the time being.
> For some reason though, all emails are ending up in user1’s Inbox. If I
> send an email from an external email address to
> user2firstname.lastn...@domain1.com it ends up in
> user1firstname.lastname’s email. If I send an email to
> user2firstn...@domain2.com it also ends up in user1firstname.lastname's
> email.
> Interestingly, if I remove the @domain1.com catchall in the
> /etc/postfix/virtual file, email gets delivered correctly to
> user2firstname.lastn...@domain1.com and user2firstn...@domain2.com...
> Can anyone point me in the correct direction please. I have spent a couple
> of days on this trying to work out where I have gone wrong and I am
> mystified. Happy to provide a more full-featured config if that helps.

You presumably have the default setting:
append_at_myorigin = yes

Refer to http://www.postfix.org/virtual.5.html. Bear in mind that
processing of virtual alias table is recursive.

So: the first time, user2firstn...@domain2.com is rewritten to
user2firstname.lastn...@domain1.com (i.e. the 'myorigin' is appended, I am
guessing domain1.com is set in /etc/mailname)

Because a change occurred this is then passed back through the same file
and (unless you remove the @domain1.com catchall) gets rewritten to

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