On Mon, 6 Jul 2020 at 10:34, Robert Chalmers (Author) <racu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I’m getting lots and lots of these types of login attempts;
> and I’m wondering if there is someway - other than what I have - of blocking 
> them, or automatically adding their IP to a <badhosts> list that I have for 
> pfctl.

I also use Dovecot for sasl-authing submission on Postfix and I just
recently implemented this using fail2ban (that uses firewalld).
Fail2ban seemed like a large piece of software for a simple job at
first, but it was okay after looking at it only for an hour or so, and
I did get it working very easily. It has pre-configured filters for
e.g dovecot and postfix-sasl. I also configured it to check sshd as
that gets scanned a lot.
It also handles delisting which would be much harder to implement with
one's custom script.


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