On a regular sending host I have set 'myhostname' (because logical hostname 
differs from the system-level nee AWS autogenerated hostname), 
'myorigin=$myhostname' (Postfix default) and 'relayhost=[]' but 
'mydestination' does NOT include $myhostname. I want the relayhost to be the 
sole repository of rewrite rules.

When I use the mailx tool on a regular host and compose a message to 'root' 
both the FROM and TO are written as 'root@$myorigin'. This means that at the 
relayhost I have to include every known host in the 'mydestination' list so 
that it will then consult /etc/aliases (or Cononical maps) and change the TO 
value of 'root | root@domain | root@source_hostname' to 
'realaccount@someother_domain'. For a handful of machines this is not a 

1. What to do when it's a dynamic set or many hosts?

2. I would like the 'TO' to either remain a naked/incomplete 'root' or at worst 
'root@mydomain' when it leaves the source machines, but I can't lose the FROM 
address being fully qualified as 'root@myhostname.mydomain'. In other words, 
"don't attempt local delivery ever, and if FROM is incomplete, tack on 
What combination of settings permits that? The configuration on the source host 
needs to be as trivial as possible.

3. At the relayhost should I use 'remote_header_rewrite = mydomain.com' or is 
that dangerous? Should I instead use 'local_header_rewrite_clients = 
permit_mynetworks' which will convert incomplete TO addresses (eg. 'root') to 
'root@myorigin'? Are the results then fed to the Canonical maps?

4. instead of using /etc/aliases on the relayhost (local delivery is not 
intended) I should probably use something more efficient like Cononical maps.

5. Should there be no Cononical mapping at the relayhost, it looks like I need 
to set 'local_recipient_maps =' and 'luser_relay = bounce+$user@localhost' so 
the relayhost squelches returns and bounces for supposedly local destination. 
Does that sound correct?

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