
I can't find it in the docs or from a search of this mailing-list...

When a main.cf entry specifies a filename, I know the contents are
inserted in place. But the exact format of said file is unclear.

I don't think it is literally "included" in-line, because a file that
contains a list of domains, one on each line, with no indentation,
seems to work fine for relay_domains, and suchlike.

Can someone point me at the right place in the docs, or offer advice
which maybe could also be added to the docs (!) to help others?

Can such a file contain comments, for example? Or blank lines?
Can it have several "items" space/comma separated on one line?
Can it have each "item" on a line of its own? A mixture of both?

I have tried doing some experiments and I think I have what I need
working as required, but guesswork is not great in a production
environment :)


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