Dnia 16.01.2021 o godz. 15:11:58 Gary Aitken pisze:
>   1. Why is it attempting to send mail on port 25 and not 587?

Because that's the usual port MTA tries to connect to when sending mail. You
didn't specify anywhere in your configuration that there should be a
connection to port 587.

>   2. Why is it trying to connect to itself (xxx.com)?

Because you are trying to send mail to u...@xxx.com, MX for xxx.com is
aaa.xxx.com and your server knows from the "myhostname" entry in the config
file that it is aaa.xxx.com. So it tries to connect to itself.

>      Note: the interface IP addr is of an internal google network,
>            not the external DNS address which points to this machine.

Did you do the DNS query for "aaa.xxx.com" from this very machine or from
somewhere else? This machine probably has configured somewhere (in
/etc/hosts for example) the translation of aaa.xxx.com to this internal
address. Or the DNS from inside Google cloud just returns different results
than from outside.

>   3. If I add the line:
>        relayhost = [ok.relay.com]:587
>      mail gets delivered
>      although mail to valid-u...@relay.com does not get delivered
>      without the relayhost directive.  Why not?

And what is the error message? Is the domain "relay.com" not resolved? Then
again, it may be due to DNS working differently from inside Google cloud
than from outside. But it's hard to tell without the exact error message
with which the message was rejected.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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