Hi all

we have a very strange issue with our postfix and its external
content-filter. To debug this we wanted to take an affected
message (postcat -bhq QID >/tmp/file) and use swaks with --data command
to send it again to postfix and through the content filter. But the
swaks message
does NOT trigger our issue and therefore is properly processed.
So we cannot reproduce it over swaks but see in postfix logs that every
try from postfix to deliver the message to the filter gets 450 from
filter. This 450 is intentional as we have some very rare cornercases
where mail gets broken somewhere in the content filter, so to avoid this
cases our filter returns 450 to postfix for such mail.

So we thought it could be possible to somehow "import" such an affected
message directly into postfix queue to leave out swaks which may fix
something in the message. Is there such a postfix command to "import" a
file as message directly into postfix queues?

Thanks for any idea as we really need to be able to reproduce it or else
debugging will be very hard :-)


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