Eugene Podshivalov:
> When reject_unverified_sender param is set and an email is sent on behalf
> of the server the double-bounce check is still performed (i.e. sent to
> itself).

What is 'the double-bounce check'?

Postfix probes use a sender address that does not receive email.
There is even a feature to make the probe sender time-dependent,
to limit the impact of spam.


address_verify_sender_ttl (default: 0s)
       The time between changes in the time-dependent portion of address veri-
       fication probe sender addresses. The time-dependent portion is appended
       to the  localpart  of  the  address  specified  with  the  address_ver-
       ify_sender  parameter.  This  feature  is ignored when the probe sender
       addresses is the null sender, i.e. the address_verify_sender  value  is
       empty or <>.

       Historically,  the probe sender address was fixed. This has caused such
       addresses to end up on spammer  mailing  lists,  and  has  resulted  in
       wasted network and processing resources.

       To  enable  time-dependent  probe  sender addresses, specify a non-zero
       time value (an integral value plus an optional one-letter  suffix  that
       specifies  the  time unit).  Specify a value of at least several hours,
       to avoid problems with senders that use greylisting.   Avoid  nice  TTL
       values,  to  make the result less predictable.  Time units are: s (sec-
       onds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks).

       This feature is available in Postfix 2.9 and later.

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