On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 07:52:07AM +0100, Ralph Seichter wrote:

> In a new server setup, I use two consecutive transport lookups:
>   transport_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/foo.cf ldap:/etc/postfix/bar.cf

I strongly do not recommend using LDAP for per-user transport lookups.

    - Use virtual(5) LDAP tables to *rewrite* recipient addresses
      to transport-specific domains

    - Resolve these domains via a stable (ideally indexed table)
      domain -> transport mapping

    - Where needed, use smtp_generic_maps to rewrite the
      transport-specific recipient domain back to the original
      address (something similar to canonical_maps, but on output).
      The definitions of smtp_generic_maps can transport-specific,
      via master.cf overrides.

Yes, this is more complex, but:

    - Your single-threaded queue manager is no longer blocked waiting
      on potentially rather expensive LDAP lookups.

    - Postfix can continue to process already queued mail even when
      LDAP is down, it just won't take in new mail.

    - Logically, your configuration is more modular, rewrite users
      from (typically) virtual_alias domains to mailstore domains,
      leaving the transport to be defined indirectly.

      Then separately from asigning the user to a mailstore domain,
      configure Postfix to route each domain to an appropriate
      transport (or just send to the MX host of that domain).

> However, this does not resolve the issue, even if I use changing
> recipient addresses in an attempt to flush the qmgr in-memory status
> cache.

The queue_manager has a one elemen transport lookup cache, when
a stream of back-to-back messages (usually when testing, rather
than in real life) all go to the same recipient, there's only
one transport lookup.

> I have two questions which I hope you guys can answer:
> 1. How do I force Postfix to perform an LDAP lookup every time a new
> inbound message arrives (i.e., how to disable caching lookup results)?

You can't the built-in transport-resolution cache is not dictionary

> 2. Can I configure a single LDAP lookup instead of two sequential ones,
> which behaves according to the following pseudocode:
>   x = ldap_lookup_recipient_record(envelope_to_address)
>   if x.has_attribute(alpha)
>       return x.value_of_attribute(alpha)
>   else
>       return x.value_of_attribute(beta)

Possibly, yes, via a suitable combination of leaf_result_attribute,
terminal_result_attribute and result_attribute.  See ldap_table(5).

    terminal_result_attribute = alpha
    result_attribute = beta

But this will not change your original issue.  Again, DO NOT
burden the queue manager with LDAP lookups.  Make transport
lookups purely local and largely static.


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