Bill Cole:
> On 15 Mar 2021, at 12:17, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
> > You've enabled SASL with dovecot as a backend.  You could limit this 
> > to
> > port 587 (enable SASL via only for the submission service),
> > and require TLS there.  It'll probably still get probed.  That's life
> > on the public Internet.
> Not only "could" but for most systems, SHOULD. The primary purpose would 
> be to reduce your attack surface. You will still get some auth attempts 
> on the port 25 service, but far less than with SASL enabled and of 
> course there is zero potential for those attacks ever working. Since 
> auth attacks have mostly graduated from "brute force" (i.e. random-ish 
> guessing) to "credential stuffing" (trying user+password pairs known to 
> work somewhere else) it has become important to limit the ways 
> successful authentication can work to only what is necessary. In 2021, 
> no one should need to do authenticated mail submission on port 25. You 
> also can gain simpler and clearer configuration for other sorts of 
> policy enforcement (e.g. spam control) by not having any need to make 
> exceptions for submission on port 25 (e.g. exemptions from  DNSBL and/or 
> spam filters for trusted networks.)

I agree. Don't enabls SASL AUTH (or any MUA-specific features) on
the MTA service (port 25), and Do give the Postfix submission and
smtps services their own set of smtpd_mumble_restrictions.


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