On mx1.freebsd.org, we have a configuration that (vastly simplified) looks something like this:

virtual_maps = hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/virtual
transport_maps = hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/transport

We have freebsd.org configured as a Postfix-style virtual domain virtual:

freebsd.org virtual

There are certain addresses we'd like to catch on mx1 though, before virtual processing takes place.

e.g. in transport we have

[elided]@freebsd.org: error:5.2.1 User has left this world

However, mail always hits virtual and the transport map appears to be ignored.

If I understand the documentation correctly, the left hand side of the transport table can be an email address.

Is there something trivial we are overlooking? postconf -n doesn't show anything related to virtual/transport ordering that we might have changed from the default.

We could probably achieve the same with a check_recipient_access and REJECT but I wonder why the transport option isn't working. (In the specific example above, simply not including [elided] in virtual would also work but the way our virtual is generated is ... intricate).

Thanks for any insights.


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises

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