Hello ^^)

I'm new to postfix, so please be patient ;)

here is the problem :

I have a server with real FQDN and SSL certificates, auto-hosted that I'm setting up, based on Debian 10 base, with ufw firewall, webmin and soon a commerce enabled cms and more.

all emails for that FQDN are handled by an external host (registrar).

problem is that despite all the tutos I can read / use I can't get Postfix to send any mail from that server to the outside. using SSL ot not.

'till now all sent mail from the server to anyone@myserverdomain are just sent to the internal server mailboxes or just 'disappear', sometimes I get the 'user unknown' message as reason why in the /var/log/mail.log despite that emails are real and exists on the external host.

all sent mail to anyone@anyotherdomain don't get to their destination...

with that situation my cms will never be able to send emails to customers...

what I want is :

- sending mail from my server to any destinations, including the mails to MyDomain.com addresses (webmaster@mydomain, contact, admin, etc), so destinations and I can retrieve it with our preferred email software (here it's Thunderbird)

- receiving mail by the self-hosted server aren't necessary as it are handled externally. so send out only postfix is preferred.

- server sent mails must be done on SMTP secure ports 465, 587 and none from port 25.

How can I edit the main.cf file and ufw rules so I get what I want from my server ? (all that tutos I've found yet on the net haven't helped me at all... and I'm blocked on the postfix mail server)

Thanks a lot by advance ^^)


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