Dnia 29.07.2021 o godz. 12:26:49 Tobi pisze:
> Just take the case when they loose a huge customer order because
> customer still operates an Exchange 2003 server, which by best can talk
> TLS 1.0. Then Management will soon show up in IT department and highly
> probably ignore the fact that it was them pushing this policy in first
> place ;-)

The management will probably present the whole case as being "goal-driven".
Currently, their goal is to be compliant with some security guidelines (that
they don't understand, they just want to blindly fulfill them), so they do
everything to reach that goal. When they will be unable to communicate with
the customer, they will have a next goal, to "adapt to their customer needs"
and they will restore the functionality they have previously turned off to
be able to reach that next goal. Plus, they will now have a formal business
justification to be not compliant with the mentioned security guidelines -
because they will be unable to communicate with their customers if they

That's just how the corporate bureaucracy works...
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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