I have some problem in send

My working environment is:

In dovecot1-6 i have exim whose smarthost is postfix2 name (P5)

all works fine but sometimes I get in log:

Oct  6 14:14:25 P5 postfix/smtp[52636]: 4HPY3L22S1z3mgPD: conversation
with mail3.allegromail.pl[] timed out while receiving the
initial server greeting
Oct  6 14:14:30 P5 postfix/smtp[52636]: 4HPY3L22S1z3mgPD: conversation
with mail1.allegromail.pl[] timed out while receiving the
initial server greeting
Oct  6 14:14:35 P5 postfix/smtp[52636]: 4HPY3L22S1z3mgPD: conversation
with mail4.allegromail.pl[] timed out while receiving the
initial server greeting
Oct  6 14:14:40 P5 postfix/smtp[52636]: 4HPY3L22S1z3mgPD:
relay=mail2.allegromail.pl[]:25, delay=755,
delays=734/0/20/0, dsn=4.4.2, status=deferred (conversation with
mail2.allegromail.pl[] timed out while receiving the
initial server greeting)

When I try use telnet

root@P5:~# telnet mail4.allegromail.pl 25
Connected to mail4.allegromail.pl.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail4.allegromail.pl ESMTP mail4.allegromail.pl

I understand that maybe something (postscreen?)is on the recipient's
side - but I do not know how to verify if everything is ok on my site

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