On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 03:35:22PM -0400, post...@ptld.com wrote:

> > Also since this is table lookup and AFAIK postfix doesn't have to
> > write anything on it, so you can give SELECT only right.
> > Least privileges are the key...
> > 
> > So even if there is a clever guy that found a way to escape and send
> > SQL injection he can never insert something.. end of the game for this
> > guy...
> Yes, im using socket auth with only select privileges but i still would not
> want someone having read access to user data. Not sure if there is a way to
> for an attacker to have data parsed back to them same like in a browser with
> PHP injections. But i don't know what i don't know so i assume it might be
> possible.
> I am really loving the new socket auth so i no longer have plain text
> passwords stored in /etc/postfix/ files, the sql user doesn't even have a
> password set.

The mysql_table(5) manpage (http://www.postfix.org/mysql_table.5.html)

 %s     This  is  replaced by the input key.  SQL quoting is used
        to make sure that the input key does not  add  unexpected


  SELECT [select_field]
  FROM [table]
  WHERE [where_field] = '%s'

  The '%s' in the WHERE  clause  expands  to  the  escaped  search

This is saying that the user needs to add single quotes
around %s, and Postfix will escape the characters
represented by %s between those single quotes. So
Postfix does protect you from SQL injection.

It uses MySQL's mysql_real_escape_string function to perform
the escaping (https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mysql_real_escape_string/).


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