i'm prepping postfix tls on the way to DANE implementation

current check with

        testssl -t smtp mx.example.com:25


         Testing server defaults (Server Hello)

         TLS extensions (standard)    "renegotiation info/#65281" "EC point formats/#11" 
"session ticket/#35"
                                      "supported versions/#43" "key share/#51" "max 
fragment length/#1"
                                      "extended master secret/#23"
         Session Ticket RFC 5077 hint 7200 seconds, session tickets keys seems to 
be rotated < daily
         SSL Session ID support       yes
???      Session Resumption           Tickets: yes, ID resumption test failed, 
pls report
         TLS clock skew               Random values, no fingerprinting possible

          Server Certificate #1
           Signature Algorithm          SHA256 with RSA
           Server key size              RSA 4096 bits
           Issuer                       R3 (Let's Encrypt from US)
           OCSP URI                     http://r3.o.lencr.org
           OCSP stapling                not offered
???        OCSP must staple extension   requires OCSP stapling (NOT ok)
          Server Certificate #2
           Signature Algorithm          SHA256 with RSA
           Server key size              EC 384 bits
           Issuer                       R3 (Let's Encrypt from US)
           OCSP URI                     http://r3.o.lencr.org
           OCSP stapling                not offered
???        OCSP must staple extension   requires OCSP stapling (NOT ok)

From comments I've found (not yet anything official),

        "OCSP stapling                not offered"

for Postfix is

        (1) expected
        (2) won't change
        (3) doens't 'break' any operation, using the LE certs

Is that correct?  I.e., can be safely ignored?

The other ??? item,

        "Session Resumption           Tickets: yes, ID resumption test failed, pls 

I've not found any guidance on at all, yet.

For postfix, do I care?
And if so, what/where is a fix?

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