Gomes, Rich:
> Does anyone have a good way of reporting on this?
> I see a great deal in the maillog with either an incorrect format (no @ 
> symbol) or just completely blank ( message-id=<>).

According to RFC,the  Message-ID header is optional, and therefore,
email without Message-ID MUST NOT BE BLOCKED.

> We would like to be able to do the following:
> Have a WARN message written to the log so we can report and investigate.

Sloppy PCRE pattern for header_checks:

IF /^message-id:/
/^message-id:\s*<\S+@\S+>/ DUNNO
/./ WARN malformed Message-ID header

The warning logs the sender, recipient, etc.

warning: malformed Message-ID header; from=<xxx> to=<yyy> proto=<zzz> ...

> I have tried this, but it did not work:
> Blocking messages with an empty message-id in postfix - Server 
> Fault<https://serverfault.com/questions/629923/blocking-messages-with-an-empty-message-id-in-postfix>

There is no pattern to match a header that does not exist.


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