Dnia 21.02.2022 o godz. 13:10:45 Phil Biggs pisze:
> - emails sent to (external) validuser@ addresses are validated
>   as present in virtual_mailbox_maps 
> - validuser@ addresses are translated to (internal) dovecotuser@
>   via virtual_alias_maps 
> - only dovecotuser@ addresses are accepted by dovecot 
> - emails originally addressed to dovecotuser@ addresses are rejected 

Just asking: how do you deliver mail to Dovecot so that it needs to know and
accept any email addresses? Dovecot doesn't receive nor send mail (from what
I know), it only provides access to mailboxes. If Postfix knows to what
mailbox it should deliver the mail addressed to particular user (and that's
what should be provided by virtual_mailbox_maps), then it's only Dovecot's
thing to provide coordination between user's login and the correct mailbox.
So for me virtual_alias_maps seems completely unneccessary in your case. What
funtion exactly does it provide here?
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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