On 2022-02-20 01:49, Phil Biggs wrote:
I have virtual_mailbox_maps in use with reject_unlisted
_recipent and use virtual_alias_maps to translate a
validated address into a single matching
address for the corresponding dovecot user. For example:

        validu...@example.com whatever

        validu...@example.com dovecotu...@example.com

In my case, these two tables will always match on the LHS.

Just wondering whether there any reason not to use the virtual
_alias table for both purposes?  It would make synchronisation with
the dovecot users DB just a little easier.

virtual_mailbox_maps = hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/vuser
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/vuser

Seems to me that someone asking this is probably receiving mail for a
very small number of users and domains, and therefore, virtual(8)
mailbox delivery might not be the best choice.


local(8) delivery (to Unix system users) has many features lacking in
virtual mailbox delivery.  For example, ~.forward files and user
control of delivery of recipient_delimiter tagged mail.  I make
extensive use of this feature.

As for the question itself, keep in mind, virtual_mailbox_maps only
apply to domains in virtual_mailbox_domains, whereas virtual(5) alias
mapping is done for every address, regardless of class.  (Offer void
where taxed or prohibited, or in cases of receive_override_options
disabling address mapping.)

(Mail sent directly to dovecotu...@example.com should be rejected.)

That's actually a second question.  Two ways, basically.  You can
ensure the address does not exist in the recipient maps for your
chosen address class.  Or, you can use a check_recipient_access
restriction to reject for that address in smtpd(8).

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