On 22.03.22 08:38, Arrigo Triulzi wrote:
I am configuring multiple Postfix systems as a front-end for an Exchange 365 setup so that the MX records being published are only for the Postfix systems which then take care of speaking to Exchange (in both directions, i.e. outbound and inbound).

Unfortunately I have a slight complication: for a subset of valid email addresses I need to “bleed them” out to a different domain

virtual_alias_maps can do this.

(and also archive all email but that is simply done with always_bcc).

For example:

u...@example.com -> Exchange
l...@example.com -> l...@lists.example.com - not handled by Exchange
secur...@example.com -> secur...@it.example.com - not handled by Exchange

So far my idea was to use virtual domains and re-write users but I fall

I have done this by setting up the domain into relay_domains and configuring transport_maps: "example.com smtp:[example-com.mail.protection.outlook.com"

into a snag in that Exchange expects email to come in as u...@example.com so if I use virtual users the list & security examples are easy but then I have the problem of the rest of @example.com. I am trying to use the wildcard @example.com going to @example.com.onmicrosoft etc. but this does not seem to work too well.

I was hoping to be able to use a transport re-write but if I set it up it is ignored because of the virtual domain settings.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to go about with this?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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