James Feeney:
> Reading at http://www.postfix.org/MILTER_README.html, and wondering what 
> results from Postfix interacting with multiple milters, we see, paraphrasing, 
> in part:
> 1) There can be more than one Milter application.
> 2) Milters "are applied in the order [as] specified".
> 3) "The first Milter application that rejects a command will override the 
> responses from other Milter applications."
> Questions:
> What is the meaning of the phrase "rejects a command"?
> What is the meaning of the phrase "override the responses"?
> What is the meaning of the phrase "in the order specified"?
> At first glance, this appears to say that any milter, in the list
> of milters, which fails to function properly will "override the
> responses from other", presumably still properly working, milters,
> leaving Postfix in some confused, unknown state.

Postfix behavior is completely deterministic. 

- If a milter rejects an SMTP request then Postfix DETERMINISTICALLY
  rejects that SMTP request (with a 5XX status).

- If a milter fails to respond, then Postfix DETERMINISTICALLY
  replies corresponding to the the milter_default_action (default: 
  tempfail the request with 451 4.3.5 Server configuration problem).

I can't see where the text suggests that Postfix will enter an undefined state.


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