Currently, every time haproxy checks if postfix is still alive, e.g. on port 
587, I see this in my logging:

Jan 28 13:13:20 albus submission/smtpd[97331]: warning: haproxy read: EOF
Jan 28 13:13:20 albus submission/smtpd[97331]: connect from unknown[unknown]
Jan 28 13:13:20 albus submission/smtpd[97331]: disconnect from unknown[unknown] 

Now, this is not a big deal, but it does bug me a little. The fact that it has 
been health checked and what the result is is only really useful at haproxy's 
end. So, I was thinking about how to prevent this logging.

The only thing I could think of is set up a separate port in for 
postfix to listen to and make sure logging disappears in a black hole. But 
maybe I am missing something and there is a better way to do an external health 
check to see if postfix is running?

Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn <>)
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