
Great call:
Feb  9 12:58:01 ip-10-104-84-189 journal: Suppressed 5141 messages from 
Feb  9 13:00:00 ip-10-104-84-189 journal: Suppressed 7542 messages from 
Feb  9 13:00:37 ip-10-104-84-189 journal: Suppressed 22 messages from 
Feb  9 13:02:18 ip-10-104-84-189 journal: Suppressed 3853 messages from 

I need to go look at my new postfix machines to make sure those aren't 
happening there.

Those machines have mail_version = 3.6.4

Time to look in the docs to see if that's turned on.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org <owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org> On 
Behalf Of Wietse Venema
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 12:34 PM
To: Postfix users <postfix-users@postfix.org>
Subject: Re: missing log entries for old version of postfix

Sean Hennessey:
> I have a machine running a very old version of postfix. In trying to 
> troubleshoot a discrepancy between what some reports I was pulling 
> from the postfix logs vs what my upstream relay was saying I was 
> sending I noticed something that looks off to me.
Logging from qmgr and 

> /var/log/maillog:Feb  9 13:00:03 ip-10-104-84-189 postfix/smtp[3788]: 
> 690834E92AC: to=us...@gmail.com<mailto:us...@gmail.com>, 
> relay=send.hidden.com[x.x.x.x]:587, delay=5.6, 
> delays=0.01/5.1/0.29/0.19, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 OK ) 
> /var/log/maillog:Feb  9 13:00:03 ip-10-104-84-189 postfix/qmgr[21067]: 
> 690834E92AC: removed

Similar logging omitted because it has an identical pattern.

All three messages were queued at the same time, 12:59:58, and were delivered 
between 13:00:03 and 13:00:06.  

All three messages would have produced cleanup logging and qmgr logging at the 
time that the messages were queued.

These are missing:

    postfix/cleanup[pid]: queueid: message-id=<pattern>
    postfix/qmgr[pid]: queueid: from=<sender>, size=nn, nrcpt=nn (queue active)

Most plausible explanations:

- The logfile was rotated between 12:59:58 and 13:00:03.

- Your systemd is throttling Postfix logs, and threw away the logging
  that was generated around 12:59:58. This is one reason why I
  implemented direct-to-file logging in Postfix 3.4.


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