Jaroslaw Rafa wrote in
 |Dnia 18.03.2023 o godz. 23:54:28 Steffen Nurpmeso via Postfix-users pisze:
 |> Eh, no.  I do not do either.  (Granted i use PayPal one, two times
 |> a month, but my bank account is not online-enabled.)
 |> I _never_ shopped online.  This destroys local pharmacies, shops,
 |> small (hopefully) good jobs that sometimes exist for centuries.
 |> Western world cities have become faceless culture-free concrete
 |> djungles with McDonald's smell for kilometres.  No.
 |Well... if you could just buy the things you *absolutely need* anywhere \
 |than online... if it were so simple...
 |Sorry, but this is the reality, at least where I live. The local shops have
 |already been by large part destroyed by online shopping. It's too late. You
 |can't buy anything in a local shop if the shop doesn't sell it.
 |Nowadays only the most popular and mass-bought items are available in
 |physical shops. If you need anything that is a bit less popular, you *have*
 |to buy it online. Sorry, that's it.

Luckily here a couple of shops remain, even for clothes and
electronics (mostly household).  It is much uglier a bit further
away, most smaller villages to not even have a bank or even
a bakery no more; some have (also new) so-called "Tante Emma
Laden" (Aunt Emma Shop) which offer a bit.  Situation is bad for
elder people on the land.  Even very bad as younger doctors do not
go there, and we have had a political movement on Germany over
twenty years ago to do something against this trend.
Unfortunately then there was a government change, but it surely
would have failed even without that.  It is just the western world
.. and/but not only that and there, of course.  (Though it is
and was mostly the western world which puts pressure due to its
way of doing things; others can do nothing but follow due to
economic pressure, sooner or later.  But that leads much too far.)

 |Two examples from last weeks: OMTP to CTIA headphone adapter for a mobile
 |phone? A replacement battery for a used laptop I just bought (in a physical
 |shop btw.)? No chance to get anywhere else than online. And I live in a
 |large city. What should people in rural areas say?

Well.  For one: i try to avoid too much consumation at first.
Most of it is due to brain aka character failures, aka
"replacement acts" (sorry, my english) to fill a void.  Now
whereas i grant there is nothing but void, that void is possibly
full of light.  That is of course religious, philosophical, etc.
Take Alexander Solschenizyn: a hero, then in the Bolschewik Gulag,
and when he came back all that he wanted was some bred, sauerkraut
and a bottle of Milk a day.  (Said Schostakowisch where he lived.)
Eh.  I think that christian guy also went to the desert and came
back saying such before they nailed that sausage somewhere.

That is that.  No to it actually is yes.  (Let alone that totally
responseless western way of doing things, or do you buy fairphone
and such.  Cheap buying, expensive selling.  Destroys life on
earth.  They knew that over 150 years ago btw.!  And the Club of
Rome gave a picture in 1972 that we still do not look at.  No.)

But sigh before i start praying.
Regarding electronics we have a good one in Darmstadt for many
decades, Zimmermann Electronic.  And some good (other) computer
shops, too.  But this is a privileged and "rich" area here, so,
well, yes, i can understand this.  Of course i do.

Then again, if it has not to happen from day to day, one could
drive in the next bigger city and buy there, have a coffee or tea
(or a smoke dependent who and where you are), and an afternoon in
the city, and then go back, on the next Saturday or so.  Or stay
longer, for some Saturday night.

 |And as for the banking, I never understand the people who don't do online
 |banking. You have to constantly pay for something - electricity, Internet,
 |rent, insurance, telephone etc. - all this happens by transferring money to
 |some account. There's a dozen of these payments each month. Do you really

Yes.  Permanently, you initiate it once, and then it happens

 |want to go to the bank (or to a post office), stand there in a long line to
 |pay for this in cash or fill in a money transfer form on paper and give it
 |to the clerk, instead of doing it conveniently from your computer whenever

Ah -- you know the bank was like that two decades ago.  Then they
did something interesting, shall you ever have read the book "The
Money Exchangers" or what its name way, Arthur Hailey i think hmm.
So the fun comes only if you know the book.
They extended the room and split it 50:50 into a part full of
"robots" and some places where human sit.  A moving glass wall
locks the human part away out of the work hours.  The robotic part
does no longer have a trashbin even, i think someone made some
fire there (and the cameras did not help).
So you mostly interact with the robots here.

You know.  Family businesses for centuries, local culture, small
manufacturers, dedicated craftsmanship, people do satisfying work
they can be prowd of.  You only know what you lost when its gone.

 |you have time?

Unfortunately i have to give in and start using anything else but
real money, i now most often use cards and, like i said, once or
twice a month, PayPal.  But i hate it.  It is no good.  Maybe we
should pay with salt or stones again, you know, heavy stones where
you have to activate some friend or family member to be able to
move it to your landlord or such.  Heh.

 |> Sorry i do not understand a word.  Long time TLSv1.2, yes.
 |I mean, if your website requires TLSv1.2 (because you mentioned lighthttpd,
 |I assume you run some website), for you to notice any problems with it, the
 |following conditions must be met:
 |a) there is a person who is interested in accessing your website and at the
 |same time uses a very outdated browser that doesn't suppport TLSv1.2
 |and either
 |b) that person complains to you (eg. via e-mail) that he/she can't connect
 |c) you will notice browsing your httpd logs that some client was unable to
 |connect due to incompatible TLS version.
 |Only if a) and b) or a) and c) are met simultaneously, you will notice that
 |there are any problems. There is very little probability that this will
 |happen. Even a) alone isn't very probable, because there's a small \
 |number of

Like i said once i posted last, lighttpd now comes like this by
default.  I truly believe he did some investigation, and i did
once i switched then, too.  There are no problems here.
And the question is, where it should come from.
The ciphers i now use are TLSv1.2, that is RFC 5246 from August
2008, that is 15 years!  Even TLSv1.3 is from 2018, half a decade.

I mean sure, if you have to make money and the logs (you surely
look at them and/or even generate statistics) give some valid,
non-spam endpoints which come in with <TLSv1.2, you have to.
Sure.  TLSv1.1 is from April 2006, 17 years.  Hm.

 |people using so old browsers, and how many of them are interested in your
 |particular website? But even if a) alone occurs, you will not notice any
 |problems until b) or c) occurs as well. So it is quite obvious that you
 |don't notice any problems.


 |> For _me_ it works in practice and there is no fallout.  I get
 |> anything i need / expect.  If you have to take care for some elder
 |> servers then this is surely a problem you have to solve,
 |> especially if it is your business.
 |I'm not talking about any server that I take care for. I'm talking about a
 |server of a company from which I receive emails, as their customer. Their
 |server can negotiate only TLSv1 with my server. Anyway, it's better than if
 |they would send their mail unencrypted. And they would, if I set *my* \
 |to TLSv1.2 minimum (which I don't do).

Well.  You know, if it were me, no encryption would be needed
whatsoever.  I am all for all-public stuff.  As long as nobody
fools me.  Unfortunately, many have this desire.  Even
Governments.  Take the NSA, anytime, everywhere.  That money alone
could save lots of extinction that turns the earth to moon and
mars.  Or the CIA and the German BND or what fooled dozens of
other governments through some encryption machine those bought via
Switzerland, no.  And that is only the tax-payed criminal minds.
(And then other tax-payed come in and rightly claim on criminals,
you know ... this is a wide field.)

But let me wonder, i would send some mail to postmaster@ there.
At least they seem to have their own server, and do not outsource
to GMail or other all-american businesses, like many European
Universities and other such do.


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
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