On Wed, Aug 09, 2023 at 10:31:18AM -0500, Scott Techlist via Postfix-users 

> Client has an appliance (Axion RTAC) that sends email based reports.
> I don't have access to the appliance or its docs.  It used to send its
> emails to an Exchange server that has been decommissioned.  I'm trying
> to get it to send to my postfix server.  I have it whitelisted for
> postfix checks.  
> Aug  9 00:00:01 tn3 postfix/smtpd[16414]: improper command pipelining after 
> MAIL from oxyrtac.mlec.com[]: RCPT TO: 
> oxyme...@mlec.com\r\nDATA\r\nFrom: OXY Report RTAC<rtac_m...@mlec.com>\r\nTo: 
> OxyMeter <OxyMeter@

Do you have "reject_unauth_pipelining" in any of your smtpd
restrictions, in either main.cf or master.cf?

What is your Postfix version (it may have been patched by the vendor
without changing the patch level number).  Some relevant version
thresholds are:

    smtpd_forbid_unauth_pipelining (default: Postfix >= 3.9: yes)
       Disconnect remote SMTP clients that violate RFC 2920 (or 5321)
       command pipelining constraints. The server replies with "554
       5.5.0 Error: SMTP protocol synchronization" and logs the
       unexpected remote SMTP client input. This feature is enabled by
       default with Postfix >= 3.9. Specify
       "smtpd_forbid_unauth_pipelining = no" to disable.

       This feature is available in Postfix >= 3.9, 3.8.1, 3.7.6, 3.6.10, and

What is the output of:

    $ postconf smtpd_forbid_unauth_pipelining

(This will report an error in older Postfix versions).

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