?tienne Miret via Postfix-users:

Checking application/pgp-signature: FAILURE
-- Start of PGP signed section.
> Hello,
> After troubleshooting an issue on my Postfix server, I found out that 
> the local_recipient_maps parameter is ignored for locally submitted 
> emails. That is, a recipient not listed there will:
>   - be rejected for mail received from the Internet,
>   - still get mails from the sendmail commnd and
>   - still get mails sent from Internet to some other address that is 
> aliased to them.
> I found this behavior surprising.

Did you mean command-line submission with /usr/sbin/sendmail? This
will receive and then bounce the message. I consider that more
useful than rejecting and losing the message.

Did you mean the port 587 or 465 submission services? These will
enforce local_recipient_maps just like the port 25 MTA service.

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