> In my view, the source key is crucial to every object. 

I don't add the source key to anything which I've done based on GPS
traces/waypoints. I try and add it on objects I add from other
sources though (NPE, OS Opendata, Bing for example), but as someone
else has says, this won't always go in the source key - I've
surveyed lots of houses and while the building outline might be
sourced from StreetView or Bing, the house numbers, whether it is
semi-detached, part of a terrace or whatever is based on survey, so
I would use say source:building to indicate where the outline came
from, but the other details are from survey.

So I don't see the source key as crucial. What might be an idea, if
it isn't already done, is record what background is in use when the
changes are saved by using a tag on the changeset rather than every
object - this won't say whether the user has changed during the
session (though I guess this could be tracked and used rather than
just whatever is current, but more work).


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