#3777: Potlach 2 doesn't warn, when corrupting relations
 Reporter:  petr.dlouhy@…         |       Owner:  potlatch-dev@…                
     Type:  enhancement           |      Status:  new                           
 Priority:  minor                 |   Milestone:                                
Component:  potlatch2             |     Version:                                
 Keywords:                        |  

Comment(by woodpeck):

 Could either of you, for the benefit of others reading this, explain
 *what* exactly Potlatch does in the case discusssed? Will the new,
 combined way be part of the relation or will it not? Or does it depend on
 whichever way was selected first? Properly documenting this would go a
 long way to avoiding problems, even without any change to the code, I
 should think.

 As for popping up warnings, I think Potlatch has on a number of other
 occasions already gone a different way - instead of "are you sure you want
 to delete 12345 nodes", Potlatch would say "deleted 12345 nodes - hit
 Ctrl-Z to undo" or something. Maybe it is possible to do something similar
 with way merges in the situation that Peter described.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3777#comment:2>
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