#3777: Potlach 2 doesn't warn, when corrupting relations
 Reporter:  petr.dlouhy@…         |       Owner:  potlatch-dev@…                
     Type:  enhancement           |      Status:  new                           
 Priority:  minor                 |   Milestone:                                
Component:  potlatch2             |     Version:                                
 Keywords:                        |  

Comment(by Richard):

 Sure. Like I said above, it could do. The reason why it doesn't yet, I
 guess, is because neither you nor I nor anyone has fixed it to do so. I'll
 do that at some point but my willingness to do so is not best helped by
 trac tickets screaming "critical" and ZOMG CORRUPTION THIS MUST BE FIXED.

 But as I keep saying: Potlatch _does_ make the user aware that they have
 extended the relation membership to a part of the way that was not
 previously a member. It does this by clearly rendering the way
 differently. The user is looking at the map so will see this.

 After all, should Potlatch pop up an alert saying "You changed the highway
 type from trunk to primary" every time you do that? Even though the change
 is reflected in a different rendering? And so on.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3777#comment:7>
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