#3777: Potlach 2 doesn't warn, when corrupting relations
 Reporter:  petr.dlouhy@…         |       Owner:  potlatch-dev@…                
     Type:  enhancement           |      Status:  new                           
 Priority:  minor                 |   Milestone:                                
Component:  potlatch2             |     Version:                                
 Keywords:                        |  

Comment(by Richard):

 The new combined way will be part of the relation. This has always been
 the case in all versions of Potlatch 1 and 2.

 Because Potlatch (1 and 2) generally renders relations, it should be
 immediately apparent to the user what their action has been. If there is a
 relation that is not adequately rendered by P2 - and that's certainly
 possible, because in P2 relation rendering is dictated by the stylesheet
 rather than being automatic as in P1 - then I'd very much like to hear of
 it so that I can fix it.

 P2 already floats a "check tags" advice bubble after merging ways (the
 warning is far too verbose and is therefore probably ignored by most
 users, which needs fixing). That could potentially be "check tags and
 relations" in these cases, but again, users don't read warnings. Fixing
 rendering is the first half of the proper way to do it; the second half is
 to have a friendly "mapping quality" palette (in a much less prescriptive
 way than the existing validator tools) but that's a long-term aim that
 will take time to do properly.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3777#comment:3>
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