Drew Kershaw asks a bunch of questions:
>I'm the proud new owner of one of those fun manta ray-looking 
>Farallon EtherWave Ethernet<->LocalTalk transceivers.  I Googled 
>around, but there doesn't seem to be much info about them on the web.
Lovely adapters, just the thing for old LaserWriters and such. _AND_ for 
connecting Enet-less Macs to an Enet without needing any special SW or 

>Mine came with an ADB cable to power the device off the ADB bus 
>power, but that's not always possible/practical.  The adapter says it 
>takes a power supply of 12 VDC at 0.5 A.  Did Farallon actually make 
>one of these, or did they just print the specs on the case because 
>it's part of the certification process?
Any supply between 9 and 18v DC (center positive), current draw is 
minimal so 300mW or more will work. Farallon did sell the same unit 
_with_ a PS as a printer adapter, the only diff is the power connection 
in the box (ADB vs. wallwart.)

>Also, mine came without software.  <snip>
No SW needed, though what originally came with the things allowed one to 
switch between "PowerBook" mode and "Printer" mode. I could never see 
that it made any difference whatsoever as I've used the same adapter with 
both printers and Macs without changing the 'mode' and it always worked 
fine either way. These jobbies are completely transparent to the device 
what's using it, just appearing as a regular AppleTalk cable/connection.

>Would said software even work with OpenTransport?  I read somewhere 
>that it opens up the floodgates on the serial port for 
>faster-than-LocalTalk-but-slower-than-Ethernet throughput.  And 
>supposedly it allows the use of TCP/IP (not MacIP!) over the serial 
Not AFAIK, but I could be wrong I s'pose. I've had a number of these 
(still do, come to think of it) and I've never seen any docs or drivers 
or nuttin' similar to what you mention. But OT can certainly use a serial 
port and MacIP.

>I haven't tried it out yet, but in "default mode" with no drivers, it 
>should still work fine as a LocalTalk/Ethernet bridge.  And that's ok 
>by me, as that's all I'm using it for anyway.
I've been an EtherWave 'enthusiast' since I got my first many years ago. 
Errmmm, perhaps I shouldn't but since we're on the topic and I'm thinking 
about it . . . I'll mention I have a dozen or so for which I should 'find 
homes', if any list-members are interested - $15/each(incl USA shipping, 
but no PS) contact me offlist of course. I kinda got carried away 
'collecting' the darling lil' things <gives embarrassed twitch> :-)

Dan K


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