What voltage are you giving it? If I remember, the powerlight should be pretty bright. Try a couple more volts.

Well, it's running off the 5300ce's ADB power, so I think that's 5V. Yeah, well below whatever the wallwart would supply.

It's supposed to work with ADB power (it does have the ADB passthrough power cable, after all). I recall actually seeing a fellow Mac using friend of mine in college (hmm, about 3.5 years ago - was it really that long ago?) use one with his 2300c and SCSI micro-dock using ADB power. We used it to hook his 2300c up to my apartment's LAN and download some software upgrades for the 'book. It definitely worked with ADB power...

OTOH, I think I remember reading somewhere that the 5300's ADB power is more limited than some other desktops. Maybe I'll hook it into one of my monitors for ADB power and give it another go.

I'll also look for a wallwart. I've got dozens of the things around here, if I can only find them.


Author of ClassicStumbler email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> web: <http://www.alksoft.com/>

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