On Fri, Feb 24, 2006, Mikael Byström said:

>Andy Fragen said:
>>The same way that I have incoming mail filtered into different folders
>>in PM; I have an additional filter action that moves the attachments
>>into a different subfolder of Attachments.
>And if another message that goes to a particular folder has the same name
>as one prior to that you just keep making folders? Perhaps even folders
>in folders in folders and so on? That seems not like a fully satisfiable
>solution. Perhaps there is no better at the moment though.

No, I don't really have more than one level of nested folders in the
Attachments folder. Yes, I do run into this renaming problem.

>I would like folders in Attachments to be identical to the folders inside
>PowerMail. But that's for making it easier to navigate the Attachments
>folder, not fixing the naming problem which really is a filesystem level

You can manually create those Finder folders within Attachments to
correspond to you PM folders, but as you have correctly pointed out,
it's the file system that is renaming duplicates.

Andy Fragen

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