Of course, if mailto doesn't work in a correct way (transfering diacritic
signs in the body part) from FileMaker to PM, then it also doesn't work
from any web browser to PM. That's very clear, right? No need to check-it
out more then I did .(By the way: I cheched-it over the web too!).
And *that* is the PM-bug!

Fortunately nearly nobody uses anymore mailto with a body part for the
web; for sending messages a form-to-mail is always the better way. And
without a body part, of course, mailto works also from the web even with PM.

And I know, how I can handle this problem: Inside FileMaker I have to
resolve all the umlauts into two letters. It isn't smart, but it helps.

Neverthless the PM mailto-body-bug remains to be a PM-bug - an nothing else!

(Wayne Brissette wrote:)

>>The reason is obvious: the ampersand-sign (&) is strictly reserved for
>>the codification of the mailto-string.
>>(See again RFC2368: <http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2368.txt>)
>Yep, you're right. Although I did create a mailto with these and they did
>get processed, which bothers me...
>However, that standard spells out at the beginning: 
>   8-bit characters in mailto URLs are forbidden. MIME encoded words (as
>   defined in [RFC2047]) are permitted in header values, but not for any
>   part of a "body" hname.
>>No, sorry, it remains a PowerMail-bug!
>>As I mentioned before, Apple Mail can handle incoming diacritic signs it
>>without any problem!
>Look at the encoding of the message. If the header doesn't include what
>type of text is included this doesn't surprise me. Cricket (the guy who
>originally wrote mail.app) did a lot of work on making educated guesses
>in AppleMail, which were put into the Apple Mail frameworks. If your
>mailto includes the proper type of encoding, then I'll buy it's a
>PowerMail bug, but my experience with creating mail messages on-the-fly
>out of SQL and FM databases leads me to believe something is not being
>put into the header of the message. I can remember struggling quite a bit
>with double-byte email because of situations like you mention, where PM
>would display one thing, Mail another, and Eudora something odd as well.
>I would take your sample mailto: and try it with Eudora as well. This is
>another way to ensure it's not one of Cricket's magic tricks getting in
>the way (or helping depending on your point of view). 
>Another thing to think about is the mailto itself, you may want to
>consider using a form or some other method to put your email together.
>mailto is a nice fast way to do things, but won't handle multi-byte
>messages, and thus if you ever have to use them, you'll have to
>reengineer the process anyhow. Ideally you want to create a method where
>you can process the data and determine what way to encode the message. 
>Still think it's a bug? send me a sample and I'll be able to look at the
>header and tell you if it's a bug or something you forgot in the header.
>I spent the better part of 2 years at Apple dealing with this type of thing.

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